Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Deep Thoughts

Deep Thoughts

Stand stark naked at the edge of my rotting soul
paint me a darker black
will your love sink in the quicksand
of fermenting rice batter?

Patagonian Musings

Patagonian Musings
Oblivious to caustic lust
A poignant feral tinge in his vacillations
Go! Tell them that Bulgaria was lost

To a Samurai’s football fetish
Hold the Danube’s depths close to your heart
Dew drops of hatred, a cordial mist
Yes, goodbye.

Fijian Recipes from Hell

Fijian Recipes from Hell

I asked him, the man with the Cubic hat
How do you dance at midnight in your pink nightwear?
He looked at me closely
I need a dented BMW to answer
But take a look at the menu

Phosphorescent omelets from the eggs of disgruntled illiterate hens from Vladivostok
Pina Coladas from unhappy lonely pineapples from Samoa
(which was then under the occupation of the Germans,
So the breezy mauve rumours go)
Burnt Rice pudding with a touch of failed peppers

A Message from The Sous Chef at the Restaurant of Desires

Monday, December 10, 2012

Absurd Poetry

I can write really bad stuff. Like this

blue leaves of nakedness fall 
into dark pools of happiness

The Delhi heat and the dew in his garden. 
Is it you? 
Or the brown dog in yesterday's restaurant?

let the Alsatian of your sleeping green happiness
bite the ankles of my memories